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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Why does Mbaise USA want to self distruct? (2) final
In the first installment of this two part series, I dealt with the uproar that the the levy of a $100.00 has generated among those who agreed to it in the first place. In this final part we will take a critical but fair minded look at the leadership of Mbaise USA, the men that are at the helm, what each of them brings to the table, what it has done or not done so far to move the entity forward. In other to make sure that I have accurate information and for the purpose of full disclosure, I requested pertinent information from the leadership of Mbaise USA. I am happy to note that I did get all the information I requested from the leadership. For those who may question why a none member should be given such information, I would suggest you take a look at the freedom of information act before going any further besides Mbaise USA is a none profit organization whose information is in the public domain, I also had interraction with some observers who went to the Atlanta convention.
Some of the issues I discovered during the course of my investigation is that some members of this association have questions about some of the material donations that the president made to it. Others are questioning weather the crop of leaders that are running this ship are capable of taking them to the promised land. Yet a segment of Mbaise USA members are not yet sure that their is proper accountability within the system. All these are legitimate issues that needs to be addressed. As I indicated in the first part of this write up, I do not belong to this organization, rather I was prompted to act in good faith based on the fact that if we out here, do not get our act together and begin to bring pressure to bear on the corrupt leaders back home that have hindered our progress, then our children and children's children will never forgive us for not showing them the way home. It is ironic that almost all Mbaise family unions in this country at one time or another has been involved in one form of litigation or another, bluntly put, brother against brother for something that a few committed individuals could trash out and every one would shake hands and move on. No, not Mbaise people, every one wants to be leader, no one wants to be lead, every one has monopoly of knowledge never acknowledging that some one else has more expertise in an area better than he or she. This is the curse of ndi Mbaise, (so many chiefs no Indians). One advice for Mbaise USA members is that if you have issues with the leadership or any member of your leadership, you should feel free to approach your leaders and table your concerns.
Now let me discuss the issue of medical equipment that was donated by the president of Mbaise USA, I have in my possession both documentary and pictorial evidence that these items do really exists, but for the limitation of space I would have published every thing I have. Here enclosed are a few photos to avoid any doubts. Let me at this juncture ask this question, when did it become a crime to freely give to charity? If my knowledge of the scriptures is any thing to go by I remember that "God loves a cheerful giver". I am aware that the president has suggested to the presidents of each chapter of Mbaise Union to send two members to come and verify these equipments. I would urge my brothers and sisters that are members of Mbaise USA to stop questioning the motives of their leaders and join hands in reaching greater heights for the benefit of Mbaise as whole and also for posterity. I have knowledge of a planned medical mission to Mbaise in March, this is a welcome gesture and worthy of emulation by other Mbaise associations. Security is another area that the leadership of Mbaise USA is involved in. At this critical point my suggestion is that all hands should be on deck, give your leadership the support they need in other to meet the goals you set for your selves, after all you the membership elected them on their own personal merits. My opinion here is that from the president down to the provost, these are honorable men and women of impeccable character that have excelled in their chosen fields of human endeavor. So the question does not arise as to what each of them stands for. I will not waste time on this issue as they are men and women that bring a lot to the table.
One area of concern for me though as far as the Mbaise USA leadership goes is that it is not doing a very good job keeping both their membership and the general public aware of their operational time table and targets. Publicise your activities, merely sending minutes does not do it. Secondly, the idea of washing dirty laundry in the public should be avoided. When a legitimate issue is raised especially with finances, deal with it, be seen to be accountable and not merely saying. Auditing your accounts quarterly may not be a bad idea. Enforce the rules you have in your constitution, you were elected to do a job, you should be steadfast, resolute, firm, fair, but above all do that for which your members entrusted the affairs of this organization in your hands and do not be distracted for in every twelve there must a Judas. There should be a mechanism for any aggrieved member to table his/her grievances and get a fair hearing instead of rushing to one of these forums to play to the gallery. Finally, I have advocated that too many cooks usually spoil the soup. It may be in the interest of Mbaise USA, AFOMA, ILMI (international liaison of Mbaise indigents)to mention a few to close ranks and work together for a common good. I am aware of the fact that egos may get in the way of this ever happening but then, who knew that the United States and Libya would ever have a diplomatic relationship? My point here is that let the leaderships of the aforementioned organizations put their heads together, agree on what they can, in other to move move Mbaise forward. I here by call on the presidents of these associations to as a matter of urgency put in motion the process of communicating with one another so that they can reach a consensus that can be rectified by the various organizations. Igwe bu ike. No one will do it for us but we the people. I know many people who are today yawning for the day we will see a semblance of the old Mbaise County Council.
My brothers and sisters in Mbaise USA, do not allow an insignificant sum that you can spend on a Saturday night drinking with friends be the Waterloo of what you have worked hard for this past three years. I rest my pen.
Mbaise USA
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