Tuesday, August 18, 2009


After the historic visit of the top diplomat of the United States of America and the unpleasant truth that she told both the government and her people, the federal government and the ruling PDP still can not be honest to themselves.
First Mrs Clinton did what no other diplomat in recent memory has been able to do ... tell the people the truth. Instead of the ruling party to bury their heads in shame they resorted to name calling. Mrs Clinton was brave enough to tell the Nigerian leaders what every one knows and no one is willing to say it aloud... that Nigeria has been run over by coruption and have no responsive government.

We Nigerians have known this bitter truth for so long and I suppose most foreign entities that do business with the federal gorvernment of Nigeria are in the know. Obasanjo was a crude beast who was very corrupt and vindictive, hopefully that will not change till the day he draws his last breathe. Then comes Mr. snail. This is a man who through corrupt practices became president. Nigerian wished him well especially given his much publicised ill health. We thought he would at least begin to address some of the perennial problems confronting the country especially corruption and lack of accountability. Instead he began by dismantling the one agency in the entire nation that worked... the EFCC and brought one of his cronies to make sure that those who looted the treasury and helped him become president did not face the wrath of the law, case in point Ibori whose case has gone from an Abuja court to Asaba where a lot of water would pass under the bridge to ensure that this crook would nither do jail time no refund the people of Delta state their money. Since the advent of the current president, Nigeria has known no peace. We have witnessed the northernization of all the apparatus of government, from defence to petroleum every thing has gone to the north. When will the outside world begin to shun this administration and treat it like the criminal elements that occupy it?

For one thing Mrs Clinton has not only distinguished her self as a fearless diplomat but also as a true friend of the Nigerian people. By telling the people and their government that they did not want to hear she earned her self an enviable place in history.
Fabian K Ekeanyanwu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coolu Temper. Could you be taken to the cleaners for asuming somebody is guilty of an offence that is still in court.