Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year Nigeria

As we have entered yet another year, Nigerians from all works of life are once again wondering what the future holds. Students of histronics are divided in their opinions. First lets review the events that transpired last year. Chief amongst them is the supreme court ruling on the presidential tribunal appeal. Personally I know that all the apparatus of government is currupt, but it reached a new low by that decision. The supposedly wise men of the apex court proved beyound a shadow of a doubt that they are more corrupt that the he goat.
It bothers even the insane within us that given the mountain of evidence the court chose piles of money rather than the truth and justice that the world over and Nigerians in particular craved for. The irony of it all is that we have become the laughing stock of both the developed and developing countries. Shame unto those who brought our mother land into ridule and disrepute.

The second story of the past year is the persecution of Mallam Rebadu. This one for all intents and porposes defies logic. When did it become the law that an outstanding public servant should be purnished for a job well done. For some of us who are on the outside looking in, this is disheartening. That a man who risked all to serve his country would be treated like a common criminal just because a few disgrunted policemen are pissed that he gain one or two bars above his contemporaries. Where were these faceless pot bellied corrupt officers when this man had his life on the line? They were busy plotting and accepting bribes. Can any of the nameless officers stand before the country and be counted? Is there any reason why there has not been an outrage and uprising by the people of Nigeria given the fact that a man is beeing maltreated simplely because he did his job and did it damn well too? The present administration should not only be ashamed of its self but also should have no moral authority to tell the coup plotters in any African country what to do as it has no right when it cant put its own house in order. The time has come for us to tell the government that enough is enough. I duff my hat for Chief Gani and a host of other civil right lawyers who irrespective of the risk to their personal safety and property have stood behind this fine and embattled public servant. Hopefully this yeaar will be better than the previous one. Happy new year Nigeria.

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