If published reports are any thing to go by then you have your work cut out for you. From the memo you received about how corrupt the governors especially those of your party have been, then you have no choice but to lunch a full scale investigation and bring the culprits to book no matter how highly placed.It may not be an accident of faith that you found your self at the helm at this critical point in Nigeria's time of destiny. You Mr. President can not close your eyes to the looting going on both at the federal and state levels simply because you want to win an election as a result you do not want to ruffle any feathers. It is no secret that most of our past leaders are corrupt including your political godfather Obasanjo, you must not spare any one even your wife if she is found wanting.
You may be afraid to investigate the likes of Babangida because many may accuse you of political witch hunting, others will equally accuse you of chasing your political opponents and harassing them with the law enforcement agencies. The bottom line Mr. President is that at the end of the day would you want be on the side of Nigerians and have history record you as one man that pulled the country from the brink, or would you want to be seen as the president who out of selfish reasons and personal ambition watched while Nigeria burnt and history will never be kind to? The choice is yours. From Angola to other parts of the world where our past leaders have invested the ill gotten wealth stolen from the people you owe it to all of us to act and act decisively you must for we have no other place to call home but Nigeria. Most Nigerians will support your efforts to reed the country of corruption, but you must have to lead this charge. We have had enough and the time for you to stand up and be counted has come. Politicians may spit fire and brimstone, you must stand tall and be above reproach your self in other to fight this cancer that has permeated our body politic. One question Mr. President, if not now when, and if not you then who? It is not enough to have the law enforcements agencies investigate a host of politicians only to shove the report under neat the rug and nothing will happen. If you need to postpone the forth coming elections in other to have a thorough investigation and offenders prosecuted then that's what needs to happen. People of dubious characters should have no place in our politics, and those guilty should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The eyes of the world is now on you, the cat has been let out of the bag, this is is not the time for indecision. A stitch on time saves nine.
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